
Our developers are skilled in their craft, turning your needs into high-quality concepts and applications. We ensure that your products are future-proof using the latest technologies and best practices.
Newly developed software and hardware are tested in our lab. Furthermore, our developers mount the hardware on a test e-bike and ride the bike to ensure functionality, test user experience, and solve potential bugs.
We are active in international forums working on influencing future standards and legislations within the industry, which means that we are at the forefront of the latest knowledge within our field and can adapt our technological developments accordingly.
Customized solutions

We design products

Own developments of APP and embedded software solutions.

We perform individual tests on our e-bikes and components.

Our many years of experience and close collaboration with our customers and suppliers have given us a unique technical know-how in developing new products.
Thomas Hansen
Technical Electronic Manager
Our quality department regularly performs tests on both complete e-bikes and individual components. This includes water tests, heating tests, and cooling tests. Our suppliers also make random sample tests in their production.
Furthermore, our products are tested at third-party institutes to ensure we meet current standards and legislation. All this is done to ensure high-quality products.
Quality at its best

We have our own test standards that our suppliers follow.

Our products undergo tests weekly to ensure high quality.

Each battery goes through four essential quality processes..

New and better
cell type
Our battery packs contain the new larger cell format, 21700. This cell format is distinguished by having more charging cycles and a greater energy density (more energy per volume) compared to the current 18650 designs.